Immediate support
If you have been sexually assaulted within the last 7 days, you have access to the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). The SART team is available to anyone including masculine identified persons who are 13 years old and over. The SART team provides confidential support which is available 24/7 and can identify and explain your options, as well as provide you with support, medical care, information and referrals. The Sexual Assault Response Team is comprised of a support worker from the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre, a specially trained Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) and, if you choose, the police. The SART team can meet you at the Victoria Sexual Assault Clinic , Victoria General Hospital or a police station.
There are 3 ways to access this team, either:
- Call the crisis and information Line: 250-383-3232 to connect with the SART team who can connect you with the Victoria Sexual Assault Clinic
- Go to the Victoria General Hospital (VGH) emergency room department
- Go to your local police stations in the greater Victoria Area
Click Here For more information about SART