Men’s Therapy Centre is not currently accepting volunteers due to COVID-19
Volunteering Testimonial for the Men’s* Therapy Centre
“I have been volunteering for the Men’s Trauma Centre (MTC) for almost one year. I had taken a workshop about the challenges men who have experienced childhood sexualized abuse** may face: my assumptions were blown out of the water! I admit that before coming here I held many false beliefs about what men went through and the “type of man” who would walk through the door. My fears of violent outbursts, yelling, and general hostility have not been seen here at the MTC. I can honestly say I dealt with worse working as a server in the food and beverage industry.”
MTC Volunteer 2017
**Course run by the Men’s Therapy Centre
“When volunteering at the MTC I help book intake appointments and am the first impression many people get. I do my best to provide a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. I know when we look at someone we only really see the tip of an iceberg, their past hurt is often hidden. Giving time is a practical way for me to give back to my community, practice compassion, and challenge old and negative thoughts and assumptions. I am proud to volunteer at the MTC and to continue sharing with those I meet the complexities of trauma and why every person is deserving of help.”
MTC Volunteer 2017
“I am learning; I am amazed at how many stereotypes and roadblocks men face. Clients of all ages and backgrounds come through the doors. Each client is unique, deserving of compassion, and treated with respect by the staff. I still have a lot to learn. Thankfully, the staff are patient, capable, forgiving, and kind. It is a place where I can continue to learn while giving back to these brave individuals trying to move forward.”
MTC Volunteer 2018
* man/male/boy includes cis, gay, bi-sexual, trans, non-binary, 2spirit, queer, gender fluid+