Opened in 2003, the Men’s Trauma Centre in Victoria supports men who have experienced emotional, sexual or physical trauma as a child, or an adult.
As Executive Director Paula Green explains, experiencing a trauma is distressing and can impact every part of a person’s life, and it’s no different for a man, than for a woman.
Yet it is difficult in our society for men to understand that it is okay to seek help.
“Sometimes it’s historic childhood abuse that they come in and talk about,” says Greene. “I would say about 93 per cent of the men we see disclose childhood abuse as their core trauma, and the reason why they go on to have many more complex problems — sometimes addiction, sometimes mental health problems.”
Greene also points out how crucial it is for men to receive support.
“There’s no coordinated response to men’s trauma in the way that there is for women and children,” said Greene.
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